At our core our focus has always been our zone but with the expansion of our operating companies we are developing solutions beyond our core area of activity

In this supply chain, raw & packaging materials have similar characteristics, manufacturing & packaging technologies have commonalities and the logistics of moving product are unique to FMCG.

Since 2006, we have worked in partnership with companies that manufacture food, beverage, home & personal care as well as pharmaceutical products. The companies we work with in our zone, will typically be involved in:

Manufacturing raw & packaging materials

Sourcing & supplying goods

Manufacturing of Fast Moving Consumer Goods

Finished goods warehousing & distribution

DO Our paths cross…

  • Do you manufacture and package food, beverages, home and personal care products or pharmaceuticals?
  • Do you manufacture raw or packaging materials for sensitive consumer goods?
  • Are outbound logistics to retailers and wholesalers a source of your competitive advantage?
  • Do you manage demand or customers in the FMCG sector?

If you answered yes to any of the above you are in oUr zone

Learn more about our products and services